
We offer a wide range of treatments and our practitioners are well qualified in all aspects of dentistry. In addition to the treatments below, we also offer visiting specialists or referral systems where necessary in order to address your specific needs. We also offer biopsies, oral pathology assessments, periodontal disease assessment and treatment, cosmetic dentistry - Botox treatment, dermal fillers, sleep medicine and Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) treatments.

Examinations & Cleans

To ensure that your teeth and gums are healthy you should visit your dentist every 6 to 12 months for a routine examination and clean. If you are a new patient, and you have NOT had dental x-rays recently, the dentist will probably suggest having x-rays done. This helps them assess the condition of your mouth and to check for any hidden problems.

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Fillings are used to repair a hole in a tooth caused by decay. We use tooth coloured, aesthetic fillings to repair you damaged teeth. However, your dentist will offer the most appropriate type of filling according to your clinical needs. 

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Invisalign / Clear Braces 

The Invisalign System is a virtually invisible treatment that uses an innovative approach to gently yet effectively straighten your teeth. Through a series of custom-made removable aligners made with unique technology, the Invisalign system gradually and predictably moves your teeth to your desired position.

How does the Invisalign System work? Initially, our dentists will take photos, X-rays, and digital scans to help create your treatment plan. Align Technology, the creator of Invisalign clear aligners, will then use these records, along with the treatment prescribed by your doctor, to create a customised 3D treatment plan just for you. With the treatment plan, you’ll be able to see the final position your teeth are predicted to reach after treatment. This treatment plan is used to develop your customised aligners and also estimate the likely length of your treatment. The customised aligners will be manufactured and shipped to our practice. 

Watch video here about Invisalign  

Emergency Dental Treatment

We provide emergency dental services to both new and existing  patients. If you have a genuine dental emergency please call Flagstone Dental Centre on 5547 7738 and we will aim to get you seen within 24 hours. Examples of emergencies include toothaches, chipped or broken teeth, broken orthodontic braces, oral infection and broken dentures

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Zoom Teeth Whitening
& Veneers

Zoom tooth whitening is safe and can be done in the practice within 1 hour. or at home over 1-2 weeks.  Results can be up to 6-8 shades lighter, discuss with our dentist to see if Zoom whitening is the best option for you.  
Veneers are new facings for teeth which disguise a discoloured (rather than a damaged) tooth. To fit a veneer, the front of the tooth is prepared a little to create space for the veneer. A 3D scan is taken, sent to our laboratory to make a thin layer of porcelain is fitted over the front of the tooth (think of false fingernails).

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Root Canal Treatments

When you’ve been feeling some throbbing pain in your mouth, parts of face or tooth you may need a root canal. A root canal is necessary when a large tooth cavity reaches the nerves within a tooth and becomes infected. The advantages of root canal treatment is that no prosthesis in is used to replace your tooth, hence your natural body part remains in place. Root canal treatments require 2-3 appointments to complete. 

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Children's Dental Health

It is wise to introduce your child to the dentist as soon as possible to help identify early signs of impending problems. Your dentist is well placed to give you helpful advice about tooth care for tots, including how to use dental tools and dietary advice. Preventative measures are at the centre of our focus therefore treatments such as fissure sealants, pre-treatment orthodontic assessments remain at the forefront of our preventative strategy. 
We also are are involved with the Medicare Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS) this is a government initiative proving $1,013 of free dental benefits to children aged 2 to 17 who meet the eligibility criteria. Call us today to see if your child is eligible. 

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Sometimes it is necessary to completely remove teeth which have become painful, weak or are past the point of repair. Extractions can also be necessary when the mouth is overcrowded - in order to to alleviate that crowding or allow for orthodontic treatment to be completed. Problematic wisdom teeth may be removed if it is safe to do so.
Your dentist will help you through the process and ensure that you are comfortable throughout.

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Crowns & Bridges

A crown is a type of cap that completely covers a real tooth. It is made from either metal or porcelain and metal and is fixed in your mouth. Crowns can be fitted where a tooth is badly broken or following root canal treatment in order to preserve it. Bridges are very similar (well, in concept) to the normal bridge that you drive over everyday. Teeth adjacent to the gap are used to hold a new tooth in place. 

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Dental Implants

The most ideal way to replace a missing tooth is by placing an implant. An implant is a screw that goes into the bone and replaces the root of your tooth (the bit under your gum you can’t see). We then place a crown on top (the bit you do see in your mouth). Implant treatments take several appointments and months to complete - but dont worry you will never go home with a gap in your mouth.

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Nitrous Oxide sedation

Let’s face it, most of us simply assume that a visit to the dental is going to make us anxious and worried – it is just a fact of life, isn’t it? There are a number of sedation techniques that dentists can employ to help patients to relax. In particular, sedation is a useful approach when treating people with dental phobias. 
Under sedation, you are still conscious. Under general anaesthetic, you are put into a deep sleep. This distinction is important as there are some dental phobic patients who have a phobia about anaesthetic. There are also others who have a phobia of needles and injections. Therefore, it is important that these patients understand that sedation is different.

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Anxiety management 

For many people who are anxious about undergoing dental treatments, sedatives such as diazepam are a valuable help. However, it is also important that you try to get to the bottom of what gives you such anxiety attacks. Even if they are offered sedatives, many dental phobic patients eventually realise that learning to trust their dentist is at the heart of the dentist/patient relationship. This level of trust cannot always be built up if a patient is under sedation.
This is not to suggest that sedatives should not be used. But they should be considered part of an overall treatment for your phobia which includes building an open and positive relationship with your dentist.

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